A Heart's Returning A Heart's Returning, by Suzan Jerome

This book is about my encounter with Jesus, and the struggle over whether to side with Him or choose my own way. He is the most challenging figure in all of history because He is God coming to get His own, who think they belong to themselves. When that reality broke through to me, my heart was very afraid to face the implications of choosing Him. I did not really want my life revolutionized in that way, did not think I could "afford" it, and wasn't sure I would live through it. I barely did; though now I would say that an inch is as good as a mile.

The Book reflects the nature of the bond with God, no matter how much debris has accumulated to obscure it. When He arranged to lift the lid on my heart, the deepest need inside, hidden way down at the bottom, was my need for Father -- the Father who does not fail or go away, is not afraid to love, and would not let go of me. The book also describes the relationship developing: first as I walked through many challenges with Him, then coming to share His heart and purposes, and finally to developing a ministry that focuses on healing and preparing and uniting other hearts.

The motivation for writing relates to how difficult and confusing the way can be -- a better map would have helped me a great deal. This kind of mapmaking, however, calls for a level of personal visibility that requires extensive prepartion. With that freedom in place, the purpose is quite simple: one who has been down a trail can assist those who are considering the trip. My hope is that the book will simplify, shorten, and cushion the way, so you get gathered up and tucked in sooner than I have.

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