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Proverbs 4:23   Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life.

Proverbs 27:19   As in water face reflects face, So a man's heart reveals the man.

Flaming Heart

Connecting Hearts to God
Suzan Jerome

Breath of Heaven Children's Ministries

Dear Friends,

I want to share a praise in progress with you, something I am very proud of my church for undertaking. We are a small church and cannot pull this off ourselves, but we have launched into building a Children’s Village in Zambia, Africa, believing it to be the prompting of the Lord and something He will make a way to complete. We have the property, a well has been dug, and work on the first village house (of 12) has begun.

The video included with this message describes the need and what we are attempting to do to combine with other churches that are trying to answer the desperate need of orphaned children in Africa. Please watch the video (less than 10 minutes) and read the experience my pastor had with the Lord that birthed this project. When the village is built, it will transform the lives of 144 children, then another 144 children, then another….

Here is the reality: If everyone here who knows about this project would give an amount that would not deplete their lives significantly, these kids who have nothing could have a place to live, be educated, and have a future.

Those of you who have been hearing from me for years know that you can count on less than one hand the number of times I have asked for donations. That gives you an idea of how strongly I feel about this being something the Lord has initiated and how earnestly I am praying for it to be realized. It will take funds to build it; and everything associated with it needs to be covered in prayer.

I will send some updates as the project proceeds. If it touches your heart, as it has mine, I encourage you to send this Newsletter to friends you think might have a heart for it also.

Click link to watch Breath of Heaven video:

Donations go to:

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Links to Breath of Heaven:

  • How Breath of Heaven came to be:
  • Breath of Heaven Home Page:
  • The Crisis Explained:

Love in Jesus,
