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Proverbs 4:23   Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life.

Proverbs 27:19   As in water face reflects face, So a man's heart reveals the man.

Flaming Heart

Message to Pastors

As a pastor you are in the thick of this heart work of God, both with members of your congregation and within your own heart. Pastors are also people. They get tired, beat upon, wounded, confused about which way to go, and are pressed by factions that do not, and perhaps will not, agree, even with God. That is a difficult place to stand, and not without its personal costs. You are in a unique position. You must continue to do this heart work in order to survive and especially to thrive, and you must do it in the public light. It takes quite a bit of personal courage to go first in heart matters, and to be as visible an example in the struggle, as in the victory. It is an awesome responsibility and opportunity, which cannot be managed without constant refreshing and receiving from the Lord. We hope that this website will encourage and support you as you push through to the Lord’s comfort and healing for yourself, and that in the face of many pressures, it will be used to help you keep your heart door open to receive His light and grace for each new demand upon your ministry.

It is our prayer that the Lord will use this website as the Nourishment Center He said it was to be, and that it will hold many encouraging things that will bless both you and members of your congregation. We are all members of one body, on this journey together, and we hope that the website reflects that reality brightly.

If you have questions about anything presented here, I would be glad to respond. There is an email option below for that purpose. Thank you for visiting us.

Suzan Jerome